Embracing the

How Thomas Adewumi University is Contributing to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Nurturing Sustainability: Thomas Adewumi University's Path to Global Impact through the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations in 2015, provide a comprehensive framework for addressing global challenges and creating a sustainable future for all. The United Nations’ SDGs outline a global agenda to address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. The proposers of Thomas Adewumi University recognized the importance of building a sustainable future long before the emergence of these goals and has made significant strides towards contributing to all 17 SDGs through its research, education, and community engagement initiatives. The university, as a leading light in innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine has in the last two years taken significant strides towards contributing to all 17 SDGs thereby becoming a beacon of sustainability and social responsibility through a multidisciplinary approach anda commitment to innovation. This website highlights the university’s comprehensive efforts towards promoting sustainable development and creating a positive impact on a local and global scale. The page shall showcase how we, through our active activities towards each of the SDGs, have emerged as a sustainability leader in both the sub-national and regional geographies.

The Centre for Sustainability Science

As a university, we are deeply committed to making a meaningful contribution to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Through our
research, education, and community engagement initiatives, we address pressing global challenges while nurturing the next
generation of leaders and change-makers. By embodying the principles of sustainability and inclusivity, we exemplify the
transformative power of education and serve as a catalyst for positive change on a local, regional, and global scale.

Nurturing Change: The Center for Sustainability Science's Commitment to Global Impact

The challenges posed by climate change, environmental degradation, and social inequalities require urgent and concerted action. The creation of the Center for Sustainability Science signifies our unwavering commitment to tackling these complex issues head-on, through interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and impactful outreach. At the heart of our center lies a diverse community of passionate researchers, scholars, and experts from various disciplines, all united by a common purpose: to address the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges. By fostering an environment that encourages cross-pollination of ideas and knowledge exchange, we seek to catalyze innovative solutions that transcend traditional boundaries. Through cutting-edge research initiatives, community engagement, and partnerships with like-minded institutions and stakeholders, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive change, impacting not only our local communities but also the global stage


how we Contribute

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

As a university, we recognize the importance of education in poverty alleviation. We offers scholarships, financial aid programs, and skill building initiatives to empower economically disadvantaged students. Additionally, we are located in a rural community which enables us to set up research centers for our faculty to actively engage in studying poverty-related issues, providing policy recommendations and driving social change. We also continue to explore innovative approaches to economic empowerment and social inclusion for historically marginalized communities around our institution.

Achieve Food Security, Improve Nutrition and Promote Sustainable Agriculture

We are sited on over 300 hectares of fertile land and enjoy the abundance of rainfall and generally good weather. To combat hunger, we farm over 50% of our landmass concentrating on the production of both food crops and livestock. As a fully residential institution, we produce over 70% of what we eat on our grounds. To further support the communities around us, we have established partnerships with local communities and agricultural organizations to promote sustainable farming practices and food security. Our Centre for Aquaculture and Food Security’s research initiatives focus on enhancing agricultural productivity, reducing food waste, and fostering innovation in sustainable food production.

Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote well-being for everyone

We place a strong emphasis on health education and research. In addition to owning the only Medical Center serving our immediate community and over 57 others, our medical programs produce skilled healthcare professionals and our research centers focus on improving healthcare outcomes, promoting mental health, and advancing medical technologies. Through our Public Health degree programmes, we also promote the conduct of research on disease prevention, mental health, and healthcare system improvement, thus contributing to global well-being. 

We ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

As an institution of higher learning, we are committed to providing quality education to students from diverse backgrounds. We continually enhance our curriculum, promote inclusive learning environments, and support initiatives that ensure access to education for all, including underrepresented groups. We offer a diverse range of academic programs, including undergraduate, vocational training, and professional development courses. We foster inclusive education practices and, promote digital literacy, ensuring access to education for all. We own the only elementary and high schools in the immediate community, welcoming students from all over Nigeria.

We aim to achieve gender equality and empower all women

We are dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women. We actively support programs that foster women’s leadership, participation, and representation in various fields. Our Faculties also conducts research on gender-related issues, challenging societal norms and advocating for gender equality. Our Vice-Chancellor is a woman and many important leadership positions are occupied by women.

Clean Water and Sanitation

Affordable and Clean Energy

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Some More

We ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

We promote sustainable water management through our Institute for Water Resources and Management. The centre also engages in research and practical solutions to address water scarcity and improve water quality. Through collaborations with government agencies and NGOs, we assist our local communities to develop clean water and sanitation solutions that work in areas with pollution challenges. The Institute for Water Resources in collaboration with the Centre for Aquaculture Research develops innovative water purification technologies and raises awareness about the importance of clean water and sanitation for the survival of Aqua beings

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

We are an energy leader in Nigeria and West Africa. Through the generous support of our parent company, DeCrown West Africa Limited, our entire campus is powered by solar energy, and we extend the same to power the streets of our host community. In addition to our investment in renewable energy infrastructure which supports the development and adoption of renewable energy sources, our Institute for Sustainable Energy Research conducts research on solar, wind, and other clean energy technologies, and collaborates with industry partners to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

We promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment for all

We play a vital role in fostering entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development in the region. Unarguably, we are one of the largest employers of labour providing a decent working environment and with the least staff turnover in the higher education sector. To further promote decent work and economic growth, we offer programs in business, entrepreneurship, and innovation. We also collaborate with local industries, fostering partnerships that drive economic development and create employment opportunities. Our incubators and entrepreneurship centers support startups and encourage a culture of innovation thereby facilitating knowledge transfer

We are building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization

We are at the forefront of research and innovation as we actively engage in R&D initiatives that contribute to technological advancements and sustainable infrastructure. Through our Directorate of Research, Innovations and Product Development, we promote interdisciplinary collaboration, support start-ups, and provides incubation facilities for entrepreneurs. Our Engineering and Technology programmes focus on designing efficient and resilient infrastructure systems while exploring innovative solutions for industries to minimize environmental impacts. we also contribute to the development of sustainable infrastructure by conducting research on smart cities, transportation systems, and renewable technologies.



We are committed to reducing inequalities in all forms. We promote diversity and inclusion within our campus  and beyond, providing scholarships for underprivileged students, and supporting community initiatives that aim to bridge the inequality gap. In addition, through our research, advocacy, and community engagement, we address various dimensions of inequality, including  income disparities, social exclusion, and discrimination. It promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Recognizing the importance of sustainable urban development, we promote research that addresses topics on and around smart cities, urban planning, and sustainable architecture. We practice sustainable transportation systems and in partnership with our parent companies, we actively engage with local communities and policymakers to develop innovative solutions for creating livable, inclusive, and environmentally friendly cities.

We foster a culture of responsible consumption and production practices through research, education, and awareness campaigns. Through our waste-to-wealth initiative, we promote waste reduction, encourage recycling, and incorporate eco-friendly practices into our operations. we also collaborate with industries to develop sustainable production methods and circular economy models.


Taking a proactive approach to combat climate change, we actively engage with policymakers, businesses, and communities to develop and implement climate action plans. We also strive to reduce our own carbon footprint through energy-efficient infrastructure and sustainable practices




We are committed to the preservation and sustainable use of marine resources. Our Centre Aquaculture Research and Development conducts research on oceanography, marine biology, and coastal ecosystems. We also collaborate with local and international organizations to address issues such as marine pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction, aiming to conserve and restore marine biodiversity




To promote sustainable land management and biodiversity conservation, we support research on ecology, conservation biology, and sustainable agriculture. Through our Biodiversity and Conservation Science, we actively engage in reforestation efforts, ecological restoration projects, and initiatives to protect endangered species. We also promote sustainable land-use practices to balance human needs with ecological integrity


Recognizing the importance of partnerships, we actively engage in collaborations with national, sub-regional, regional, and international organizations as well as local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and industry partners. These partnerships facilitate knowledge exchange, innovation, and the implementation of sustainable development initiatives. By fostering meaningful partnerships, we enhance our collective impact and contributeto the achievement of the SDGs.

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